When you open Cinema 4D Octane V3 plugin for the first time you will be prompted with a sign in screen like this: 옥테인 플러그인을 처음 실행했을 때 다음과 같은 화면이 표시됩니다. Please try following method if you run into startup problems on C4D. Delete “otoy_credentials” file from these locations. Now you should have successfully installed the OctaneRender for Cinema 4D plugin. If you have followed the instructions above and do not see an Octane tab at the top of the Cinema 4D host application.
Hey guys,
I'm trying to get into Octane render for cinema4d and have downloaded the demo to test it out to evaluate whether its worth the purchase for my current needs.
Octane Render Cinema 4d Gtx 1070
I love the instant feedback it offers when it does work and find it incredibly helpful in developing my images. Can anyone offer any input on their experience of the purchased plugin versus the demo?
I have noticed it being a bit buggy and cant determine whether its my system or the plugin itself. During usage of the plugin, when i resend the scene to octane after a change to the geometry of the scene, invariably it crashes out, freezing up and causing me to force quit c4d. Not all the time, but it does happen. This is with a very uncomplicated octane lighting and material setup.
Octane Render Cinema 4d Download
I am yet to use the standalone demo, but may check that out in terms of its stability. My familiarity with the cinema4d workspace lends well to using the octane plugin, but the problems ive encountered make me wary before shelling out the £.
My system is 5820k with a 4gb gtx980 gpu, and i would love to buy it, but my fear is that my system would struggle to handle it. I'm not an expert, and im more ambitious than I am skilled, so im not going to be stressing my computer with overly complex scenes. Any feedback, comments would be hugely helpful.
Octane Render Cinema 4d Light Studio
Also if anyone can recommend any octane for dummies tutorials, or docs that would be amazing. Im currently trying to get my head around lighting so anything directed on that would be sweet.